A Special Offer from Sandy

As a token of my gratitude, I’ve curated an exclusive package designed to provide invaluable guidance for you and your journey towards success.

Fill out the form, or purchase below, to get my DISC Certification course with a pack of 5 DISC assessments for only $395—a savings of over $800!

What You Will Receive in This Special Offer:

  • DISC Certification Course: The Certified Behavioral Consultant (CBC) Self-Study Course offered by PeopleKeys is a comprehensive training program that bundles two self-guided courses, Introduction to Behavioral Analysis and Advanced Behavioral Analysis, with TEAMS, Values, and Behavioral Attitudes. These courses provide the fundamental knowledge of DISC theory, how to apply it using the DISC personality system, and DISC graph interpretation based on real case studies.
  • Five DISC Assessments: The PeopleKeys DISC Report is an assessment tool that helps individuals and organizations gain insight into human behavior by identifying the intensity of four personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. This system is recognized as "the universal language of behavior" and is used by people all over the world.

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